This page of the baldurs gate 3 game guide includes the m4 map showing two adjacent areas the risen road and waukeen s rest.
Baldur s gate 3 map. Important locations the risen road and waukeen s rest. Our description includes important locations secrets and places where you can encounter stronger monsters. Maps for baldur s gate 3 world map. The size of the baldur s gate 3 early access map gives us some idea of what to expect from the massive finished game.
Despite this small space the game can already boast a solid 20 25 hours of. Maps provide the players with vital information about map navigation quests items weapons checkpoints npcs and more. Maps for baldur s gate 3. The map for baldur s gate 3 which only has about 1 5th of its available space accessible to players in early access shows a vast world waiting to be explored.
By steve watts on october 6 2020 at 11 40am pdt. You can only watch what the map of the world looks like in the game.