Legion you ll liberate the various boroughs of london from albion s oppression and you ll be richly rewarded for doing so.
Watch dogs legion boroughs. Watch dogs legion drops players into an authoritarian near future rendition of london england and tasks them will building up an activist hacker group called deadsec unlike the previous two entries in this franchise legion forgoes a main character for letting you pick and recruit any citizen in the city. Filling the defiance rating. Legion and dropping drone cargo on people s heads can be fun you inevitably have to help liberate the various boroughs. You ll find a few of these scattered around your map as you turn more and.
In this watch dogs. What makes watch dogs. Each borough has a defiance rating which you need to increase by completing the borough activities. All the boroughs of london you can explore by ford james 30 october 2020 here s the full watch dogs legion map spanning from westminster to tower hamlets.
Legion the map is divided into a number of boroughs. Legion guide we ll explain how to complete a photographic evidence borough uprising activity. There are 8 borough s in the game. Boroughs start out with the.
Every borough has some set of the tasks which contributes towards turning people defiant. Of course there are other groups around just as dangerous and it ll take a well tailored group of citizens to do something about it. Flipping the boroughs to defiant is a straight forward affair and doing so will unlock not only all the tech point locations for that area on your map but a skilled operative as well. In watch dogs legion to turn people defiant you will have to focus on the borough task.
Legions so unique compared to its predecessors would be the nature of its focus on characters. Doing them is needed to turn all boroughs defiant for the take back london trophy and achievement. Players have an entire city of people to take control of and use in order to rid london of the oppressive force albion has come to be. Watch dogs legion map.
As part of the dedsec resistance movement it s your job to start an uprising in watch dogs. Legion turning a borough from oppressed to defiant is no easy task but you ll be well rewarded for.