Miles morales that shows the game menu in particular the section dedicated to changing the suits for the protagonist and improving skills.
Marvel s spider man miles morales leaked. Leaked footage of marvel s spider man. Miles morales booting up on a playstation 5 have appeared online and are already blowing minds. The user gospel2fly has posted on reddit a new video of marvel s spider man. While sony has been talking about its next gen console s ssd for over a year now the proof will always be in the pudding and this is as raw a demo as you could hope for.
Leaked images of marvel s spider man. From this new video we discover that in spider man. While sony has talked up its next gen console s ssd for well. In short blimmin fast pity t.
Miles morales leaked video shows insanely quick load times on ps5. Miles morales booting on a playstation 5 has emerged online and is already blowing minds. It appears someone on youtube has s got a playstation 5 and spider man. From what appears to be a cold boot to the in game in under 10 seconds.
Miles morales early and posted a video in 480p no less showing just how fast the game loads.