Then i just quicktraveled to get as.
Elder scrolls 4 wayshrine locations. Oblivion game guide walkthrough. Interact with the wayshrine to cure all disease restore your your attributes restore up to 200 points of health and. I checked the location of each wayshrine and placed the marker to an appropriate location. A wayshrine is different from an altar in a chapel.
The elder scrolls iv. The wayshrine of zenithar is a shrine dedicated to the nine divines god zenithar. Maintenance for the week of november 2. Completing the pilgrimage quest sets your infamy to 0 and you can complete it as many times as you need to.
Wayshrines are altar like structures with roman esque columns around them. Neoseeker forums xbox 360 games the elder scrolls iv. The elder scrolls iv. You can find a map at the beginning of the kotn quest that details their locations.
Locations of all the wayshrines and near locations. Oblivion wayshrine locations map by idiosyncrat last updated 08 24 2010. As the shrines locations don t appear as map markers use the screenshots below to know the exact locations of all of them. The blessing depends on the wayshrine generally fortifying the attribute most closely related to the divine which the shrine honors.
1 quests 1 1 pilgrimage 2 locations 3 blessing 4 gallery 5 appearances a. Elder scrolls 4 oblivion mage s guild walkthrough 1. The fame required to activate a wayshrine is dependent on. The elder scrolls iv.
An altar of zenithar can be found in major city temples and the great chapel of zenithar is located in leyawiin. Locations of all the wayshrines and near locations. Na megaserver for patch maintenance november 2 4 00am est 9 00 utc 10 00am est 15 00 utc. The elder scrolls iv.