With the formal announcement of diablo 4 finally out of the way it appears that the leaks involving lilith as a key player were also correct.
Diablo iv villain. Diablo 3 is dominated in great part by characters like deckard cain tyrael leah adria belial azmodan and imperius as well as diablo and malthael the big two whose villainy drives the plot forward. Fans who witnessed the rise of lilith at blizzcon gave true meaning that diablo iv will be one of those games that will go down on the history books. Long time fans of the game may recognize the importance of her actions the blessed mother of sanctuary. As the daughter of mephisto the lord of hatred and queen of the succubi lilith s history within the diablo series should not be understated.
Will center around a new villain. New diablo 4 leak may reveal the main villain by joe pring jcpring 10 months ago blizzard is pulling out all the stops for its annual gaming convention it would seem. Blizzard revealed diablo iv today and with it the new villain lilith. But what of diablo 4 characters.