Baldurs gate 3 m6 goblin camp.
Baldur s gate 3 goblin camp. The goblin camp is a major area in baldur s gate 3. Furthermore you might need to use the invisibility spell to avoid getting caught while tinkering with the liquid. Goblin camp is one of the crucial places in baldur s gate 3. This is the main path leading to this location.
Some information and mechanics might change in due course. Although the way to the camp is a bit difficult and dangerous you can reach the camp without going into any war by using your persuasion options with the goblins blocking your way. You need shadowheart to be your character to talk to dror ragzlin as she is a cleric class character. Baldur s gate 3 goblin camp guide.
Dror ragzlin is a sort of psychopath who is obsessed with speaking to dead mind flayer. The goblin camp is one of the major areas in baldur s gate 3 and you ll eventually make your way there during act i. Fallen tree above the chasm. Likewise please be reminded that this guide is intended for the game s early access stage.
Don t place several characters on the tree at the same time because it will break and they will. You need to eliminate goblin leaders such as dror ragzlin minthara and priestess gut. For more information check out our baldur s gate 3 guides and features hub. This is an alternative way of reaching the goblin camp from the forest.
Here s our guide to help you out. You ll get here from the village.