Baldur s gate 3 build guides.
Baldur s gate 3 eldritch knight. The early access build for baldur s gate 3. The magic in baldurs gate is ofcourse more limited then d d. In baldur s gate 3 ranged weapons are far more effective than melee ones. Two of the first level spells that a player can pick are.
The special abilities provided by the battle master class are far superior to the spells granted to the eldritch knight. Eldritch knight fighters can become eldritch knights at level 3 in baldur s gate 3 and when they do so they gain access to some wizard spells. The player gains two cantrips and three first level spells from the wizard spell list. At each level except 1st level an eldritch knight gains new spells per day plus another effective casting level as if they progressed in an arcane spellcasting class that they had prior to becoming an eldritch knight if a character has multiple arcane.
Warlocks in baldur s gate 3 early access are extremely powerful because of their cantrip eldritch blast that does between 1 10 damage every use from 18m away and cantrips can be cast every turn without using up spell slots. In this baldur s gate 3 build guide i m going to be covering my eldritch knight build for early access and showing you what i ve found to work best. Building a fighter tips tricks strategies. They use your strength instead of intelligence.
The eldritch knight gains combat casting and skill focus concentration at first level. In early access they will only be able to gain a maximum of 3 level 1 spells which isn t a huge amount. Subclass like the arcane trickster for rogues the eldritch knight should only be chosen if the party is low on arcane spellcasters. Additionally they have some very good spells that deal aoe damage and they.
It gives you some special moves for more damage and game changers that recharge faster then the eldritch knight magics and synchronise better. The eldritch knight works as a sort of wizard fighter cross over with more of a focus on melee fighting than a warlock would have. Baldur s gate 3 build guides. Eldritch knight is a subclass of fighter in baldur s gate 3.
Fighters primary ability is strength their saving throw proficiencies are strength constitution and they have a hit dice of 1d10.