Companions in baldur s gate 3 plays a really important role.
Baldur s gate 3 companions. Companions from different baldur s gate 3 classes will help round out your party but they offer much more than that through interactions throughout your adventure they offer up their own. Throughout the game players will meet possible npcs that can be recruited as a companion who joins your party. Each of these characters have a class and role associated with them. The baldur s gate 3 companions at least at the moment are the origin characters that you can t currently play as.
As companions are like a much needed element in this rpg game it is vital that you know how to get them all. Each has a set class and they ll all complement your party in different ways. Best baldur s gate 3 companions. That s why we ve put together a list of the best baldurs gate 3 companions in early access from baldur s gate 3 multiplayer guide.
Companions or origins in baldur s gate 3 are special npcs that can be recruited to join the player s party and usually aid the player during combat and exploration. Companions help you to progress in the game fight battles help you unlock new avenues and give you an extra muscle for your party in baldur s gate 3. Your party is only 4 large so it s critical to avoid getting two characters with the same role.